Not here that’s obvious! I’m sorry for not posting more on here, but as most of you know, my life was turned upside down 9 Dec. 2012, when I lost my dear husband of 43 years. It’s now 15 months later and I’m more at peace, God is my strength each and every day and life goes on. I miss my husband daily, the grief just isn’t as bad and knowing he is with God, perfectly well, gives me joy.
**Added 1 April ~ I have been blogging all along, just in my main blog FlowerLady’s Musings. Blogging has been a blessing and a help to me during this time.**
I’ve been doing some needlework, embroidery and crochet. Have just started learning ribbon embroidery and am loving that. Next on my list of things to get is an order of alcohol markers for coloring silk ribbon. All I have to have is white silk ribbon and that makes it easier and coloring the silk the way you want it will be fun. I can’t afford everything I would like to try, colors of hug snug seam binding, or silk ribbons, so I’m just going along and enjoying what I have and can do. I am ‘learning’ and that helps with grieving and keeping my mind young and active. My husband would love seeing what I’ve been up to lately.
Now let’s see what I can find for photos to share here.
These next few are a from last year.
A crocheted purse.

A crocheted prayer shawl, for a breast cancer survivor.

Embroidered and beaded heart with a crocheted beaded edging.

Embroidered hearts.

This is the sign over friends of mines shop. I did this from a photo I took of the sign. The background color is about the color of their shop.
I’ve got it wrapped in plastic. The overall size might be about 7 inches by 12 inches. I can’t really remember. They loved it.

These have been done this year.
A crocheted granny heart.

This is a heart cut our of a wonderful piece of fabric and I outlined and filled in the designs on the fabric. This is still a work in progress.

This was crocheted for brother-in-law and sister-in-law. It is draped over a love-seat.

Ribbon embroidered flowers, French knots, I just noticed that I’ve not taken a photo of this since adding beads around the edge at the junction of each stitch, if you get what I mean. These ribbons were hand colored with water colors, except for the larger green ones, that was the color of the ribbon.

This is my latest piece, which I’m still working on. Silk ribbon, crochet, antique edgings, fresh water pearls and beads.

That’s it for now.
Happy Creating whatever your medium ~ FlowerLady