Here we have another gift of a new day. It is gorgeous here in s.e. FL. The sun is shining, there are clouds drifting by over head and there is a nice breeze with strong gusts now and then, which set the wind chimes to playing their music.
I work again today at my job, and then will have a few days off. I usually work Thurs-Sat.
There are so many ideas running through my head for needleworking, plus I’ve been working on setting up my Etsy shop, which sure takes time and is a little nerve-wracking until I get the hang of it. I’ve gardening to catch up on, laundry to wash, clean laundry to fold and put away, homecaring to do, etc.
I am a new member of Stitchin’ Fingers a place where needle workers can show their stuff, ask questions, see tutorials, learn so much and be inspired by some beautiful creations. Sharon the owner of this group also has a wonderful site called Pin Tangle.
She is hosting and teaching another TAST ~ Take A Stitch Tuesday, starting January 3rd 2012. Each Tuesday she will show us and encourage us in learning another embroidery stitch and I can hardly wait. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up with everyone of them, but I sure am going to try. It will be challenging and fun.
Life can keep us busy and hopefully we can find time to be creative, if only for a few minutes a day. No matter what it is, setting a place setting at your table, a bouquet of flowers on your desk, cleaning, needleworking, painting, woodworking, homeschooling, cooking, let us try to do it with joy and thanksgiving adding creative touches along the way.
Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady