Monday, January 28, 2013

Latest Creation ~ Give Thanks Journal


I’ve been reading a wonderful book I just ordered from Amazon. It is ‘1000 Gifts ~ Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are’ by Ann Voskamp. I got inspired to create a little cover  for a thanksgiving journal. You can read more about the creation of this journal in my other blog.  The post is Life at Plum Cottage.








I really want to learn how to make those beautiful, fat fabric journals, but haven’t found a good you-tube video, or directions anywhere. Maybe I’m just not looking in the right place. If any of you can send me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.

Happy Creating ~ FlowerLady Lorraine

Friday, January 11, 2013

Why I’ve not posted anything since September


A follower contacted me via email this morning asking if I was ok, because there is nothing new on my blog since Sept. I’ve been posting to my two other blogs ~ FlowerLady’s Musings and The Continuing Journey, and forgot all about this one.

We thought my husband possibly tore his Trap. muscle on the left side of his neck from doing car work and some other stuff at weird angles. That was in August when he woke up with horrific cramping in his neck that lasted for an hour or more. I looked up severe muscle cramping in the neck and came up with the Trap. muscles. If the muscle was torn, it could take up to two years to heal. My husband wasn’t one to go to drs. he had an aversion to them, because of things done to him for bedwetting when he was a boy, so I gave him herbs to calm and heal, massaged his whole body with essential oils for healing and calming too. We prayed for his healing, we had hope, we prayed if it was God’s will to take him home, whatever the problem, then to just do it. I told God if He wasn’t going to heal Mark, then I released Mark to Him. That was hard. Neither of us knew that that was exactly what was going to happen. God took Mark home on the 9th of December. He would have been 65 on the 20th.

I asked for prayer here. You can read more here “He’ll Be Waiting” and here in my new blog “The Continuing Journey.

This past month has been very rough for me and I’m just taking things slowly.  God is with me, sustaining me with His love, grace, peace and strength.

I am doing a little stitching, but not much yet. Mark would want me to continue what I’ve been doing, but I sure am going to miss his love, encouragement and input on all my projects.

Be thankful for your many blessings. let the petty stuff go, be loving, forgiving, encouraging and live each day to the fullest.

FlowerLady Lorraine

P.S. I did make this for Mark in the last week or so he was here on this earth. He liked it.



Back ~ He called me ‘Rainey Wife’
